Request for Comment: National Park Service and DC Water hold public comment period for Clean Rivers Project to protect Piney Branch

The National Park Service and DC Water invite the public to comment on a proposed project to improve water quality in Piney Branch, a tributary of Rock Creek. DC Water proposes to build a 4.2-million-gallon underground combined sewer overflow (CSO) storage tunnel to capture sewage, combined with stormwater, that would otherwise overflow into Piney Branch during heavy rains.


This project is needed to reduce sewage overflows that contribute to poor water quality in Piney Branch and ultimately the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay; and to comply with the 2005 Federal Consent Decree entered into by DC Water, the District of Columbia, the US Environmental Protection Agency, and the US Department of Justice, as amended January 2016.

If you would like to send your comments into NUCA of DC so we can weight in, please send them to NUCA of DC’s Executive Director by Feb 10.  READ MORE

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