REGISTRATION CLOSES Nov 19 at noon! If you want to attend, please email ed@nucaofdc.org to see if there are extra tickets available.
Join NUCA of Metro DC for our annual Holiday Kick-Off. Invite your colleagues, contractors, suppliers, sub-contractors and friends for a fun evening of appetizers, open bar, music, door prizes and more! 50/50 drawing to benefit the Foundation Scholarship.
When: Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024 | 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Where: Hamilton Loft (Upstairs), 600 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20005
Dress Code: Holiday Casual-Anything Goes!
Regular Registration(11/9 on): $125
Non-member: $220
*includes food and open bar
All donations are 100% Tax Deductible. Registration fees for events are not tax-deductible.
No cancellations will be permitted after November 7th, although you are welcome to transfer your registration to another individual**
Get your company noticed and show your support for NUCA of Metro DC with a Sponsorship. Reach your target market and colleagues and get connected! Gain exclusive access to industry professionals and engage in conversation focused on the underground utility construction industry. Sponsorships include program recognition, logo recognition on the NUCA of Metro DC website, event signage, and email promos. Customized sponsorships are also available. Please contact us at 202.607.7658 or email ed@nucaofdc.org to secure your sponsorship today!
Opportunities Available: Grand Door Prize, Buffet, Friends of NUCA of DC and More!
Bourbon Tasting:
Logo Gift for Attendees: